Bruce Lee (31)
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    Title: Game of Death 2 AKA Tower of Death
    Star: Tang Lung, Bruce Lee, Wong Jang Lee
    Director: Ng See-yuen
    Description: A set of 13  lobbycards, printed on thick card, created by Golden Harvest for the film’s international release.
    Publishing year of product: 1981
    Condition : Mint (never displayed)

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    Title: Game of Death 2 AKA Tower of Death
    Star: Tang Lung, Bruce Lee, Wong Jang Lee
    Director: Ng See-yuen
    Description: A rare collection of 12 Taiwanese lobbycards, printed on thick card, created by Golden Harvest for the theatrical release in that country.
    Publishing year of product: 1981
    Condition : Mint (never displayed)

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    This is a 60-page press book printed in 1978 by Golden Harvest to promote the international release of Bruce Lee’s last legacy, ‘Game of Death’. It contains ‘news’ stories to be run in local publications to publicise the release of the film. It contains black-and-white images of Bruce Lee and the other actors who appear in ‘Game of Death’ (1978). It is a square-bound A4 sized softback book.

    Game of Death Press Book by: $18.99
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    Available for Download Now

    Raymond Chow : His Legacy

    An audio documentary (audiomentary!) by Hong Kong film-maker, historian and martial artist Bey Logan.

    The first in the series has Bey share facts and opinions about the life and work of Raymond Chow, founder of the Golden Harvest film studio and the man who brought Bruce Lee to the world. Chow, who passed away the day before this audiomentary was recorded, left an unmatched legacy in terms of his contribution to Asian action cinema. From his office and kung fu school in Hong Kong, surrounded by the mementoes from Raymond Chow’s classic films, Bey delivers a heart-felt and fact-packed memorial to a great man.

    Note: A purchase provides the customer 5 downloads within 30 days

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    Title: The Big Boss
    AKA: Fists of Fury
    Star: Bruce Lee
    Director: Lo Wei
    Description: This Chinese language theatrical movie poster was printed by Hong Kong’s legendary Golden Harvest studios. It features the kind of stylised artwork used on Hong Kong movie posters of this era. It was issued to promote the theatrical release and Asian region distribution of Bruce Lee’s breakthrough hit.
    Publishing year of product: 1971
    Condition : Mint (never displayed)

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    Title: The Big Boss
    AKA: Fists of Fury
    Star: Bruce Lee
    Director: Lo Wei
    Description: This is a set of eight (8) original lobby cards printed by Hong Kong’s legendary Golden Harvest studios. They are full colour and printed on thick cardboard. These lobbycards were issued to promote the theatrical re-release and international distribution of Bruce Lee’s breakthrough hit.
    Publishing year of product: 1975
    Condition : Mint (never displayed)

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    Title: The Big Boss
    AKA: Fists of Fury
    Star: Bruce Lee
    Director: Lo Wei
    Description: This is a black and white promotional flyer printed by Hong Kong’s legendary Golden Harvest studios. It was issued to promote the international distribution of Bruce Lee’s breakthrough hit, and circulated by local distributors to print media outlets at the time.
    Dimensions: A3 folded
    Publishing year of product: 1975
    Condition : Mint (never displayed)

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    Reel East offers an amazing Bruce Lee Collection, all at one incredibly low price!

    This incredible package consists of:

    ‘Bruce Lee and I’ (print edition)  : 650+ pages on the life and work of The Little Dragon examined from the unique perspective of Asian film expert and Hong Kong film-maker Bey Logan.

    ‘Bruce Lee and I’ 2020 : A revised and extended version of this now celebrated work on Lee’s legend and legacy. (Note: A purchase provides the customer 5 downloads within 30 days.)

    ‘The Big Boss’ Lobbycard set : 8 cards printed by Golden Harvest to promote the release of Lee’s first Hong Kong action movie.

    ‘Fist of Fury’ Lobbycard set: 8 cards printed by Golden Harvest to promote the release of Bruce Lee’s second hit kung fu classic.

    ‘Fist of Fury’ Lobbycard set: 8 cards printed by Golden Harvest to promote the release of Bruce Lee’s second hit kung fu classic.

    ‘The Way of the Dragon’ Lobbycard set (incomplete): 5 cards printed to promote the release of Bruce Lee’s directorial debut.

    ‘Game of Death’ Lobbycard set: 8 cards printed by Golden Harvest to promote Lee’s posthumously released actioner.

    ‘Fist of Fury’ theatrical flyer: Printed to promote the film’s released in Hong Kong cinemas.

    ‘The Way of the Dragon’ theatrical flyer: Printed to promote the film’s released in Hong Kong cinemas.

    ‘Game of Death 2’ sales flyer : An international sales sheet created to sell Golden Harvest’s last Bruce Lee feature.

    ‘Bruce Lee The Legend’ folder : A colour photo folder printed to promote the release of Golden Harvest’s Little Dragon documentary.

    Surprise Bruce Lee related memorabilia gifts included with each order!


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    50 years on, we need the power and determination of Bruce Lee more than ever!

    Reel East offers an amazing Bruce Lee Anniversary Poster Collection, all at one incredibly low price!

    Four Chinese re-issue posters, three with artwork by the great ‘Posterist’ Yuen Tai-yung!

    Two ‘Enter the Dragon’ posters, one for ‘Fist of Fury’ and one for ‘Game of Death’.


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    Available for Download NOW!

    A sequel to the greatest martial arts movie of all time!

    In the wake of the events of ‘Enter the Dragon’, this exciting slice of Asian action pulp fiction follows the fortunes of three of the daughters, and most personal guard, of the villainous Mr. Han.

    ‘The Daughters of Han’ takes the reader from the shores of Han’s island to Kowloon Tong to Shaolin Temple to Macau and beyond in a fast-paced 70s set martial arts thriller.

    Author Bey Logan is Hong Kong’s most famous expatriate film producer, screenwriter and movie historian.

    Note: A purchase provides the customer 5 downloads within 30 days.

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