The Comet Strikes Lobbycards
Title: The Comet Strikes
Star: Nora Miao, Patrick Tse Yin, Lo Wei, Shek Kin
Director: Lo Wei
Description: This is an original colour lobbycard set printed by Hong Kong’s legendary Golden Harvest studios. It was issued for distribution to Asian theatres during the original theatrical release of this martial arts classic.
Publishing year of product: 1971
Condition : Mint (never displayed)
Size: 11 in × 14 in
In stock
Reel East is proud to celebrate the career of the OTHER Golden Harvest swordplay heroines of the 1970s with The Bladed Babes Collection.
‘The Comet Strikes’ gives Bruce Lee’s favourite leading lady, Nora Miao, a chance to show her own martial arts moves in a Golden Harvest spin on both a King Hu battle-in-a-tavern wu xia and a Hammer Films style chiller flick.
The male star of the film is Hong Kong’s Patrick Tse Yin, a superstar of the black-and-white Cantonese movie era, and the main villain role is essayed by the films director, Lo Wei.
Reel East is so happy to share this amazing 11 lobbycard set, printed in 1971, which features the original Golden Harvest logo .
The Comet Strikes Lobbycards
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