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    Iron Wire Fist and Sanchin Kata : Goju Kai’s Tino Ceberano Shihan and Hung Gar’s Mak Che-kong Sifu Combined Webinar

    Tino Ceberano Shihan is a student of Goju Kai legend Gogen Yamaguchi Sensei, and the founder of Australian karate.

    Mak Che-kong Sifu is a world-renowned master of the Southern Chinese Hung Gar kung fu system.

    Kwai Fong Martial Club is proud to bring these two famed teachers together to compare, contrast and share their arts!

    In this 90+ minute webinar,  Shihan will demonstrate and explain Goju Kai’s famed Sanchin Kata, Mak Sifu will perform and dissect elements of Hung Gar’s Iron Wire Fist.

    All participants will also receive an edited video of the webinar and a special manual on the Goju / kung fu connection.

    The Zoom Webinar has been successful held on Sep 19, 2020 with great response. You can now order and get the edited video of the webinar and a special manual on the Goju / kung fu connection.

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    MAK CHE-KONG SIFU’S KUNG FU WEBINAR VIDEO teaching the Jeen Cheurng fist form!

    In this instructive webinar video, Mak Che-kong Sifu demonstrates and explains the nature of this traditional Hung Gar fist form. The Jeen Cheurng Kuen is a key part of the Hung Kuen system, and possibly the source of another key Southern Chinese kung fu system.

    In the 90 minute+ webinar,  Mak Sifu teaches the first half of the form, with accompanying videos of the form, as well as demonstrations of its applications.

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    MAK CHE-KONG SIFU’S KUNG FU WEBINAR VIDEO teaching the 2nd part of the Jeen Cheurng fist form!

    In this instructive webinar video, Mak Che-kong Sifu continues to demonstrate and explain the nature of this traditional Hung Gar fist form. The Jeen Cheurng Kuen is a key part of the Hung Kuen system, and possibly the source of another key Southern Chinese kung fu system.

    In the 90 minute+ Zoom webinar video,  Mak Sifu teaches the second half of the form, with accompanying videos of the form itself, as well as demonstrations of its applications.


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    Kung Fu Drumming Zoom Webinar Video

    In this unique Zoom webinar video,  Mak Che-kong Sifu shares the traditional drumming rhythms used to accompany kung fu practice and performance.

    Watch this 90 minute+ Zoom webinar video  to learn everything you always wanted to know about keeping the Hung Gar beat in your heart!

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    MAK CHE-KONG SIFU’S KUNG FU WEBINAR Video teaching the Lau Gar Kuen!

    In this instructive Zoom webinar video , Mak Che-kong Sifu introduces and demonstrates a basic traditional Hung Gar kung fu fist form, the Lau  Gar Kuen, also known as the Lau Family Fist.

    In this 90 minute+ Zoom webinar video,  Mak Sifu  explains the history and nature of the form, and shows its movements and applications in detail.

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    Legendary Weapons of Hung Gar Webinar Video

    Mak Che-kong shares his in-depth knowledge of the basic weapons of Hung Gar kung fu.

    Find out how sword, staff, spear and other weapons are relevant to kung fu training in the modern world!

    For just US$13, you can receive an edited video of the webinar  and an exclusive manual.


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    Lion Dance Drumming Zoom Webinar Video

    In this unique Zoom webinar video,  Mak Che-kong Sifu shares the traditional drumming rhythms used to accompany Lion Dance performance.

    Watch this 90 minute+ Zoom webinar video to learn everything you always wanted to know about bringing the kung fu Lions to life

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    Lion Dance Drumming Zoom Webinar  Video Part 2

    In this second unique Zoom webinar video,  Mak Che-kong Sifu shares more knowledge on the traditional drumming rhythms used to accompany Lion Dance performance.

    Get this 90 minute+ Zoom webinar to learn everything you always wanted to know about bringing the kung fu Lions to life!


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    Lion Dance Drumming Zoom Webinar Part 3

    In this third unique Zoom webinar,  Mak Che-kong Sifu shares yet more knowledge on the traditional drumming rhythms used to accompany Lion Dance performance.

    Get this 90 minute+ Zoom webinar to learn everything you always wanted to know about bringing the kung fu Lions to life!

    Topic: Lion Dance Drumming Webinar Part 3
    Time: Aug 21, 2021 04:00 PM Beijing, Shanghai

    Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9982 2688
    Passcode: mak0821

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    Long Pole vs Twin Blades Zoom Webinar Video: Matching Southern Weapons

    In this unique Zoom webinar video,  Mak Che-kong Sifu shares the traditional techniques employed between the long pole and short swords.

    Watch this 90 minute+ Zoom webinar video  to learn everything you always wanted to know about these legendary Southern Chinese weapons!